Dr. Naomi Wolf shares her insights regarding Pfizer and the FDA. We discuss her new book, War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal. Wolf is co-founder and CEO of DailyClout.io, a successful civic tech company. See this interview, which was banned on YouTube and removed! For more on Dr. Wolf see https://dailyclout.io/
[ALLEN WEST] Hey greetings, everyone, Lieutenant Colonel Allen West and welcome to Steadfast and Loyal.
Hey, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Steadfast and Loyal and there's so much that is still going on with this whole coronavirus episode. One of the big things that I'm upset about are those men and women in the military who did not take this shot. They should be given the opportunity to come back into the military, especially now since we're not meeting our recruitment goals, and get their back pay and things of this nature and be restored to the rank that they had.
[ALLEN WEST] So I couldn't think of anyone better to talk about this whole issue about the coronavirus, the pandemic, how we were lied to, where do we go from here, than Dr. Naomi Wolf. Dr. Wolf is a best-selling author, columnist, and professor. She is a graduate of Yale University and received a doctorate from Oxford. I'm just a University of Tennessee graduate doctor so please don't use a lot of big words on me. She is the co-founder and CEO of DailyClout.io, a successful civil tech company. Dr. Wolf has written eight best-selling works of nonfiction, but today we're going to talk to her about her latest work. It's an e-book entitled War Room / Daily Clout. Pfizer documents, analysis, volunteer reports. Find out what Pfizer FDA tried to conceal. Dr. Naomi Wolf, thanks for joining us here at Steadfast and Loyal.
[DR. WOLF] Thanks so much for having me.
[ALLEN WEST] Well let's let's start out and talk about your e-book here because you know you get the feeling that something was not right. You get the feeling that you know a lot of these you know biomedical and drug companies really made a lot of money off of a, you know the pain of the American people. What do you really discover in your research and your study and you know as you have gone through this looking back on this coronavirus pandemic?
[DR. WOLF] Yeah well just to share luckily in addition to the e-book there's also a physical book now which is on Amazon or right there on Daily Clout.io and it is in the historic publication because what happened was that Aaron Siri who's a distinguished attorney sued the FDA for to compel it to release tens of thousands of documents in its custody that were internal Pfizer documents and the judge agreed with Aaron Siri and forced Pfizer to force the FDA to release the Pfizer documents. At that point I was worried that they'd be lost to history because they're very technical and there are tens of thousands of them what journalist is able to go through all of that. So we put out a call on Steve Bannon's War Room and my site Daily Clout for experts and now we have 3,500 doctors and scientists with the highest credentials, RNs, medical fraud investigators, biostatisticians etc who have united for the good of humanity to read through these Pfizer documents and they've issued 76 reports so that's what's in this book you just mentioned and the reports do document, I'm sorry to tell your viewers, the greatest crime against humanity in reported history and I'm Jewish I don't say that lightly. My grandma lost nine siblings in the Holocaust this is scale when you do the math the scale is worse than the Holocaust and I say that advisedly.
What they found is I mean very brief headlines a month in Pfizer knew that the vaccine did not work to stop COVID the third most common side effect is COVID they use the words vaccine failure and failure of efficacy a month in so everything that followed was a lie they knew that they had 1225 deaths within three months of the vaccine being rolled out they knew that there were 35 miners who had sustained heart damage within a week of receiving the mRNA injections they knew that they had to hire 2400 full-time employees just to deal with the flood of adverse events reports that they were receiving and they anticipated receiving and I mean of horrors ranging from you know they knew that the materials didn't stay in the deltoid that they'd bio distributed to every organ in the body spike protein lip nanoparticles and a polyethylene glycol which is petroleum byproduct these materials accumulated in the liver the spleen the adrenals if you're a woman in your ovaries and they there are tens of thousands of strokes thousands of neurological disorders dementia's game bar a's Alzheimer's Bell's palsy Parkinson's tens of thousands of examples of kidney failure liver failure failure cancers turbo cancers just you know things you that would surprise you skin disorders disorders and in addition to all of these horrors and more in the documents.
[ALLEN WEST] There is and to me this most important thing it's not just about the present future there the 360 degree attack on human reproduction and especially on women and on female reproduction the the amazing you know this is amazing to me because this is not something that is made up but yet we have a government that was forcing people to to take this and ruining people's lives if they did not so when you look at what the government did by way of collusion with social media platforms and things of this nature you know why was it so important to suppress this true truth why was it not important for these things to be shared with American people and basically have us like sheep being led to the slaughter I remember the chastisement that you got if you did not want to take this shot and and even within you know some of my extended relatives who said well I don't want you coming over to visit me and all of these things this really almost destroyed this country and definitely destroyed many lives what's what's the consequences going to be these are two questions right why did they do it and it also what are the consequences
[DR. WOLF] So I'll take fine unfortunately my independent research has led me to conclude that this is a bioweapon I mean people are now speaking that is a bioweapon I believe the state of Florida just recently passed a declaration that it's bioweapon and the reason I concluded it's bioweapon is you know in addition to seeing how intentional the attack on female reproduction the 80% miscarriage rate the fact that the poisonous materials get into vaccinated moms breast milk and poison newborn babies the fact that you know the Pfizer documents refer to dead babies in utero as having died from quote trans placental exposure the vaccine the fact that Pfizer defines shedding or exposure to vaccine as skin inhalation and sexual intercourse especially at the time of conception so there's something in the semen of vaccinated men that Pfizer knows is damaging to either women or to embryos they instructed vaccinated men not to have intercourse with child during age women or if they did use two reliable forms of contraception so all of these are things you I'm a political analyst right I'm not a medical doctor if you and I've been a political consultant to Bill Clinton into Al Gore if you have a set of documents that show a sustained attack on the ability of a whole population to reproduce the most obvious conclusion is that this is a foreign power of some kind or a treasonous entity that is trying to take out the United States of America. So that's just one piece of evidence but I found the memorandum of understanding between Pfizer BioNTech which makes the Pfizer vaccines and Chinese Communist Party so they're the same company essentially and in 2021 the BioNTech SEC filing stated that there had been a hundred percent completed tech transfer in 2021 from BioNTech to China it didn't say a Chinese individual a Chinese company it said China so this means that the formulation the manufacturing process the distribution now in 2022 2023 is entirely in the hands of people who you know harvest their own people's organs and who are our existential adversaries and my husband who has spent a career in military intelligence and intelligence has said they want our land they want our energy grid they want our water resources they want our food supply they don't want our population and then lastly the last piece of evidence I have is that and by the way China has opened 14 vaccine manufacturing plants in Western Europe and two in the United States one in Amherst I'm sorry Amherst, Massachusetts, and one in Princeton, New Jersey.
So they're you know actively we have we have a hostile entity actively manufacturing and distributing this dangerous sterilizing and lethal product and my last piece of evidence that it's a bioweapon is if you look at the adverse events breakdown in the Pfizer documents it shows that there's total of just under 43,000 adverse events in three months so 36,000 beats were in the United States the next largest tranche were in Western Europe in order of political importance meaning Britain France Germany Italy Spain Greece and all the rest of the adverse events combined in all 52 countries it was rolled out were in ended up to only thousand adverse events so if you take all of those together and you also realize that this injection can be made more and less lethal with tampering with things as simple as brand with Moderna being more than three times as it's got more than three times the poisonous materials of Pfizer or tampering with things as simple as temperature because this material is liquid under very cold temperatures but solidifies under room temperatures and body temperatures then you see how easy it is to take out a country. I mean look at who got mandated and this is I guess a final piece of evidence our soldiers our sailors our special forces our health care workers our first responders the children of the elite at universities right the next generation.
If there's going to be you know like if you want to distract and disable the elite of a country kill their kids you know disable their kids sterilize their kids who else got mandated firefighters police officers the people you need to have a functioning society and as a result you know doubt has shown we have you know catastrophically high levels of disability as well as deaths excess deaths off the charts so this is what you know again I don't mean to be you know citing my husband all the time but he's you know incredibly knowledgeable about warfare and she describes this as this is what we do to other countries before invading we tenderize them it's called tenderizing the enemy so he's into hate war and you know look at us I mean we're a mess where everyone's disabled everyone's you know injured. People are have turbo cancers people have strokes; very few doctors are telling people with these side effects that it's related to the vaccine but you know I just look around and visually Americans are barely you know barely thriving right they're not the strong healthy population they were in 2019.
[ALLEN WEST] Well, what your husband is talking about something that we in the military we'll call setting the conditions or shaping operation before decisive operation and that really is what a bio weapon or chemical weapon does it is about disabling some of the capabilities and capacities of your enemy your adversary to make it a lot easier for you to attack and so what you're laying down is you know phase one you know the bio weapon and now we are dealing with the fentanyl which is also it's a chemical weapon and it's being used against us and where does it emanate from again it emanates from the Chinese the Chinese Communists the transnational narco criminal terrorists or getting it into the country but you know you think about a hundred thousand Americans in what a year or two have been killed because of the fentanyl and continues to to do so so you're absolutely right and and the fentanyl is really hitting the number one killer 18 to what 45 so that that military-aged individuals so when you look at it this from a military perspective when you look at this evidence that you have how can our government be so blind as to allow this to occur, and to me, be complicit to it and also trying to silence the voices of the people that see this evidence and have this proof?
[DR. WOLF] Right well that's the great question and thank you for your service. I'm sorry to not say that earlier. So, I think I so I voted for the Biden administration and I'm ashamed that I did and I wish I we have a thoroughly compromised White House we have traitors in the White House and every single journalist who you know censored stories Hunter Biden's laptop in advance of the election really has blood on their hands because we now have the receipts the Biden family received millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party and from cutouts related to people who are our enemies and once China which you know does not play and they don't play nice, right? It's a tyranical --
[DR. WOLF] Right? Once a Chinese intelligence asset gives you three million dollars you're really not free not to do what they ask you to do so we have a compromised White House and they're in thrall to China and you know again I'm a former political consultant so this is so obvious to me not only have the last two and a half years been about weakening us physically and economically and you know in terms of our culture and our infrastructure and our food supply and our cyber security and our energy grid but so many moments I mean it just kills me to think about them these are not accidental when you know when the president of the United States looks at his watch during a military funeral
[ALLEN WEST] Oh I know . . .
[DR. WOLF] Yeah he's not just being a jerk right he's not just being senile. Those events are so scripted and and you know there would be a handler or his wife or someone nearby right to stop him from doing it again if it was just a senile moment but multiple times like that's just one example but the prestige of our country the symbols of our country have been intentionally degraded and degraded and mocked and humiliated and vilified deliberately in kind of theatrics you know especially at the level of the White House for the last three years.
I mean just one other example which I find so painful is the President ends his speeches, and for like decades, presidents have been, as you know, presidents have ended their speeches "God bless our troops and God bless the United States of America." Yeah, well, he just cuts "God bless the United States of America" so that's like one of those little kinds of cycle orchard things that is you know that basically sends the message to Americans listening that this is not a president who cares about us no one cares about our traditions our traditions are meaningless our prestigious meaningless I mean on and on you know sending our secretary of whoever Janet Yellen is I forgot her formal title --
[ALLEN WEST] Treasury
[DR. WOLF] Treasury, thank you, a restaurant instead of you know at a banquet. I mean, again and again, we are being humiliated in symbolic ways and our our our traditions and our culture is being humiliated and this is this is what, the only way this could happen is if our adversaries had the president and you're there for it the White House the whole executive branch in in its thrall essentially.
[ALLEN WEST] You know it's interesting because what I want everyone to get out of this conversation we're having is that you're not you know the other side is very good at demonizing you know right-wing nuts extremists whatever. You know you're someone that has been quote-unquote on the other side of the aisle you talked about your political consultancy you talked about who you voted for in the last presidential election. My question is do you think that we are awakening people to understand that this is not about which side of the aisle that we're on. This is about truth this is about what is happening to our country this is about waking us all up to realize that we cannot continue to be the frogs in the boiling pot of water. We cannot continue to be you know some type of crash test dummy. This is very serious when you talk about China and what they're doing as our number one geopolitical foe and when you look and see what is happening on our border. I live down here in Texas. The amount of single military-age males coming in here from China is another thing that should be very disconcerting because I belief that's another aspect of this shaping operation so I think it's so important that folks realize that you're not a political ideologue. You're saying this from a sincere position of what you see happening in our country.
[DR. WOLF] Well, thank you. I mean, yes, I certainly hope so. You know these tyrants will tyrant, right? Like, yeah, turning partisan, and I first started paying attention to the ways in which the United States could be subverted. You know, our democracy or our Republic could be subverted by a tyranny or basically in a coup during the Bush era and unfortunately Bush - really innovated in set in motion and a lot of the you know poisonous fruit that has kind of been escalating now.
I mean the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 gave the president the power to detain anyone without charge of trial. And during the Bush era you know Guantanamo was built you know we created a place outside the rule of law we created a certain he created a surveillance society. So I guess you know without going into rabbit holes, you know, and then Obama droned Americans, right?
You could go on with examples on both sides of the aisle of tyrants and tyranny and unconstitutional behavior again and again why because and I totally say this as someone who was in those rooms where national histories are made everyone like democracy or a real republic is very inconvenient right? It keeps people from doing what they want to do at the highest levels and either side giving the opportunity will arrest their opposition you know spy on critics super muzzle the press so this is totally not partisan. I'm embarrassed that the left, which in my lifetime, used to stand for free speech and you know human rights has completely abandoned its legacy under the Biden administration.
But you're right it's not about partisanship it's very important for us to not be divided by party anymore because the only way to save our country is with a movement that is not left versus right but kind of us versus them because our enemies are not you know the DNC or the RNC. Our enemies are globalists it's you know the CCP the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation the World Economic Forum the World Health Organization. These multi -- and big tech -- right inclusion with them it's these multinational entities that are trying to create structures above the level of the nation-state so that our rights can be taken away from us and the WHO treaty that says that they get to declare a pandemic anytime on and remove our sovereignty is a really great example of that.
[ALLEN WEST] Do you think and and next to the last question do you think that this issue of American sovereignty will be a critical aspect of our election coming up in 2024 because right now I mean if you're a country that does not control your borders you're not a country I don't you're just a piece of ground in between two other places and you talked about you know China coming in and buying up land here in the United States of America. And I give, I've said this before we couldn't even pass legislation in the Texas state legislature in our last session to prevent China from buying up land. So you're right it's not so much about R&D it's about understanding the fundamentals of this constitutional Republic but again do you think that sovereignty of our country will be a critical issue borders things of this nature?
[DR. WOLF] Well first forgive me I am alone in the house and my puppy is barkey
[ALLEN WEST] It's all good. We're dog friendly
[DR. WOLF] Thank you I hope he's a he's a very internet-friendly puppy and second that's really interesting that even in Texas you couldn't pass your legislation
[ALLEN WEST] No, to keep China from buying up land
[DR. WOLF] Who was standing in the way? Was it Dems or was it both?
[ALLEN WEST] No, Texas has a Republican State House, a Republican State Senate, and a Republican governor, and so that's why I'm saying this is less about R&D. This is about two different principles and philosophies of governance. And you talked about it this globalist mentality this surrendering of our sovereignty. And there are people -- you brought up George Bush and some of the things that he done -- well you know he's still pretty influential and impactful by way of this knucklehead Karl Rove here in the state of Texas. So, you know, you're again you're a great example of how we need to break this thing down from party and start thinking about our fundamentals here's a constitutional Republic and so again do you think that this issue of sovereignty for the United States of America can be a critical item in the 2024 election economic sovereignty?
[DR. WOLF] I think it should be if I were if I were running for president that and parents rights would be at the top of my list these are issues that are fundamental to everything else everyone understands them no one wants to lose their sovereignty I think people we've never seen so many American flags right I think people are kind of belatedly realizing what America is and how bad it would be if we lived in a communist regime or a fascist regime and you know absolutely that would be a winning issue and you know everything else depends on that right because you can't have economic well-being if you can't set the terms of your economy you can't have safety you know physical safety you can't manage crime if you can't police your own borders and and so on I mean you know losing your sovereignty to the WHO people really have to understand it means that you're gonna see you know UN soldiers or militias or blackwater God knows what mercenaries outside your house anytime they want in and there will be nothing.
[ALLEN WEST] Well, Antifa -- Antifa to me is an arm of this that no one wants to talk about. Jane's Revenge is an arm of this. The BLM movement was a Marxist movement, and so it's already happening if you ask me.
[DR. WOLF] I totally agree with you and actually Brian found the money flow from China to Antifa and these other you know we've sent us and these other kind of pop-up you know liberal protest movements. Something I would like people to notice is the physiques of a lot of people that protesters on the left I've been on the left my whole life I've gone to a million protests on the left. We're not that well organized we're not violent and we're not you know that our men are not buff
[ALLEN WEST] Is he trying to say they're Delta males?
[DR. WOLF] nd guys look like special operators I mean if you look at them not everyone but there are a lot of like and the same is true of the violent police in France the violent police who beat the truckers in Canada all over the world you see these mysterious black uniformed masked helmeted no you know tag which is not constitutional you know gigantic mercenary type physique entities like beating the heck out of people depriving them of their constitutional rights or you know protesting violently setting things on fire. So people should be really well aware that infiltration is a standard practice like we do it in other countries. And to your point about men of fighting age crossing the border totally we should be terrified of that how vulnerable are we right now millions of people have come into the border we don't know where they are they could be you know a number of them could be sleeper military units right there are Chinese police departments in Canada. You know what who let that happen and then at a moment's notice you know Canada is wholly in the thrall of China they could open borders to our north and then we'd be in a pincher movement where you know either sleeper cells or sleeper malicious pop-up from from China or from other countries or mercenaries emboldened by China the WHO or and or they streamed down from from Canada.
So like thank God for the Second Amendment I never thought I'd say that. I'm a very peaceful person but the only reason we're not Australia or Canada right now is our Constitution. It's beautiful Constitution our first and then in our Second Amendment and it's going to be harder to take this country if people realize we're at war and war is being waged on us and you know people learn to shoot like I'm learning to shoot you know secure their food supplies secure their energy supplies print out their financial documents don't rely on the grid you know get to know your neighbors get to know where you can buy beef and buy milk and buy fresh vegetables. I mean it's gonna come down to kind of local communities repelling invaders. It's that simple and everything I've predicted for last almost two years has come true.
[ALLEN WEST] That's that's the chilling part that you know I talked to people and that you know the whole thing about you know folks out there were conspiracy theories well it's not a conspiracy theory when it comes to fruition and it's sad to believe that you know 247 years ago we had to deal with the exact same thing of an invasion of a foreign force onto our lands and we had to repel it locally and that's what the Sons of Liberty did in Massachusetts. One last question before I let you go and is you know you used to be on the left on the liberal side whatever you want to call it...Where are the feminists that are standing up for young women? You know title nine something that you know I even fought for because I wanted to see women have their opportunities and I had two daughters when it comes to athletics I mean where are their voices how are we letting you know this happen to women sports in America?
[DR. WOLF] Oh you're asking all the right questions. I mean, I'm so, I'm so ashamed you know of so many people on my side who know better. My former side, and especially I'm ashamed and shocked at the silence of the feminist movement not just about this, but about you know, the the fact that this injection is is ruining women's menstrual cycles and building their baby in utero you know like 72% of the adverse events from the Pfizer injection are women of those 16% are quote reproductive disorders. Pfizer's feminists have been completely crickets about that you know women who were vocal about anorexia and bulimia and silicone breast implants and you know estrogen and birth control pills silent about that devastating threat to female reproduction and reproductive health when it comes to I guess you're describing the issue of trans women in women's sports this is such a difficult thing in a way but in a way it isn't I used to think this was like a psycho right-wing wedge issue that was not important, affected very few people.
But now I see that it's not organic this whole kind of push not just to highlight trans issues but to aim aim trans culture at children that is not the organic LGBTQ community as far as I understand I you know I do not think that's organic I think that it's another example of weaponization of our culture like the outside forces basically perverting our culture and breaking down our our cultural categories because I don't know any trans people who want to harm children by imposing their adult culture on children not one so I mean that's just anecdotal. But I you know this came out of nowhere kind of and I've been around the LGBTQ community my whole life. So I mean yes more are LGBTQ parents and trans parents should and people and citizens should be speaking up and calling a halt to the excesses, and I wish they would. But it isn't organic. So now sports . . . I used to think it was a big deal. Now I see that it's a very big deal because it's relentless right and it's not just like I didn't care if a trans woman used the bathroom but if it's like a systematic what is a trans woman a biological male can call himself a trans woman you know I'm a rapist and I mean you're you know Jim Locker room right that's that's kind of um this is the methodology right it's like a camel's nose under the tent and yes some cultures changed and you're not safe.
Well, I don't think there's anything wrong. I mean what I've said in the past is sports team categories are kind of artificial anyway. Males, you know, compete here female you compete here because they're small weaker men and stronger bigger women. But having said that I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, okay, this is an XX chromosome sporting event and that's an XY chromosome sporting event I don't think there's anything wrong at all with that I don't think it'll you know harm trans women
I think it'll be fair and then a trans woman who's XY can maintain her identity but she's competing with other XY people who probably are mostly men well
[ALLEN WEST] I just think it's a shame and I don't think it's honorable that a biological male who was 463rd in his event swimming against guys all of a sudden size he wants to be a female and he's celebrated as a great champion and things of this nature to me I call that cowardice.
[DR. WOLF] I'm sorry I just have to chime in with this may I you know it's it's so interesting knowing the whole history of the women's movement and women's suffrage because they're always asked to let someone else go first you know they're always asked to be patient and to wait for their revolution and to wait for their equality other groups are too but that's pretty common
and I can't imagine it really flying for other people who are claiming rightly you know their constitutional rights or their rights to equality other groups would not be asked to tolerate an unfair competition of that kind.
[ALLEN WEST] Yeah well equality for a specific group does not mean that you take away the opportunities and the quality of another so that's the thing that I'm really not happy with. But Dr. Naomi Wolf, where can people follow you where can people get your book ebook on Pfizer and this report that you have produced?
[DR. WOLF] Thank you so much! Please do come to DailyClout.io. You can support us through membership and donations there and I'm like brazenly asking for support because our two lawsuits against Pfizer are very expensive and we can really use your help. And also you can order the Pfizer documents analysis reports book right there on DailyClout.io or on Amazon. And please do. It's really a life-saving book with information that could really protect your loved ones.
[ALLEN WEST] And thank you so much for thank you for being here with us at Steadfast and Loyal. God bless you, Dr. Wolf.
[DR. WOLF] Thank you too so much l
[ALLEN WEST] Ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us on this episode of Steadfast and Loyal. Very special thanks to Dr. Naomi Wolf for taking the time to be with us, an incredible woman. And if you like this show, if you like what we're doing, if you like this programming, please click the like button share it with others let people know about it and until next time Steadfast and Loyal.
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