Steadfast & Loyal by Allen West
Allen West | Steadfast & Loyal Podcast
Allen West | Steadfast & Loyal | Race Hustling
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Allen West | Steadfast & Loyal | Race Hustling

Kamala Harris is worried about FL, and not the many issues of the failed Biden administration . . .

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[ALLEN WEST] Hey greetings everyone. Lieutenant Colonel Allen West here and welcome to the steadfast and loyal show


[ALLEN WEST] Hey greetings everyone. Welcome back to the steadfast and loyal podcast

You know, I took a little time off to have a little family vacation headed down the port of Aransas, Texas

Lovely place. It's gonna grow it's gonna develop on that island Mustang Island, especially down toward the southern end and It was just so much fun to watch my little Jackson Bernard my grandson take his first steps on a beach put his feet into the Gulf of Mexico

They hear him turn around and look at me and point and say ocean. I Mean, it's one of those moments that you capture and it kind of brings tears to your eyes Because that's really what my life is all about How do I make sure that? subsequent generations Have better than what I had Because at the age of two, I never got the chance to put my feet into the ocean But I made sure that my daughters had that chance and of course now my grandson and My future grandson who will be coming along in December as well. Yes oldest daughter Aubrey will be delivering another grandson to the West family

Spoiler alert his name is Levi Allen and I can't wait until the moment I take Levi Allen on his family vacation and watch him walk out until the surface well. But even though I was on family vacation, I still you know had to keep my ear to what was going on in my country because You always have to be ready to stand up and be you know on that pointy edge of the spear In case you get asked To be aware of what's going on So there were a couple of things that happened while I was on family vacation One of them happened is that we were driving down from Garland, Texas to Port Aransas all of a sudden, you know Little Mr. Hunter Biden shows up at the court in Delaware and this was supposed to be you know, slap happy Yep, it's all done. Nice little, you know misdemeanor now you will slap on a fist. Oops something went really wrong. Now I'm trying to understand this.

He's gonna go in and he's gonna plead guilty. He's gonna say that. Yeah, I did this stuff I didn't pay my taxes. I lied on a 4473 background check form but because of the fact that you know It's gonna be not even a real sentence. It's just a you know, a little misdemeanor slap on a hand when West would be doing a perp walk

Those things combined. I mean I'd figure at least 10 years It'd be all over the papers. Maybe talking about it on ABC CBS and MSNBC NBC CNN PBS NPR

But Hunter Biden no one's talking about it. But the thing is this You're gonna plead guilty going in there You think it's gonna take me about what three five minutes?

Then all of a sudden when things unravel because we had someone a judge that was doing their job and Understanding and interpreting the law and exposing something that didn't seem right Now all of a sudden you're gonna enter a plea of not guilty

This is a head scratcher so as long as the sentence was this misdemeanor and you know You get away with it. You're guilty of it. I mean you say I did it but now all of a sudden when it comes to be that You don't have immunity from future charges...That there is a little bit more that could be out there. Now all of a sudden you're gonna tell us that you're not guilty?

So this this I don't know Moral relativism I'm guilty if I don't have any consequences or in ramification I'm not guilty if there are consequences and ramifications Which one is it hunter?

Because see everyday Americans out there know that they don't pay their taxes Well, unless you're Al Sharpton, so Hunter Biden and Al Sharpton are in the same boat

They don't have to pay taxes. Nothing happens. As a matter of fact, huh, you know Al Sharpton got to visit the White House with Barry Sotero. I think about 75 81 times something like that

Now here you got hunter he gets away with whatever and to hear the the the binder, you know Korean John Pierre the White House mouthpiece say that well, he's a he's a private citizen This is this is not something we want to discuss publicly Then don't have him up in the White House Miss John Pierre He is a public figure

He's someone that's getting invited to all the little swore ways up the swallow ways up there in the White House. So yeah, he's flying on Air Force One to go over to Ireland and have a little shindig. Air Force One is paid for by the United States taxpayers. So yeah, we want to know we want to hear from you We want to know what the big guy thinks about this. That's why you got to ask the question. So it's gonna be very interesting to see what happens now. I think they got like a month to come back to this judge. Can you imagine now the quote-unquote DOJ prosecutors who were basically sleeping in the same bed and you know You know you lay down with dollars you go get fleas and that's exactly what happened to these DOJ prosecutors Now they got to try to figure out where do we go from here?

If the guy has said that he's not guilty to something he was going to plead guilty to he's guilty. And There should be none of this stuff about well, we're gonna get rid of any future investigations. There'll be no future charges. No. You're still gonna be guilty and held accountable for that There has to be consequences and ramifications the American people sick and tired is two-tiered justice system I don't care what the alphabet suit mainstream leftist media says, we're not tolerating this anymore, I don't care whose son you are. And don't give me this stuff about you know, Joe Biden's a compassionate dad. He's concerned about what his son is doing He may have profited and benefited from what his son was doing. So we got to get to the bottom of this

But again as I was driving down to Port Aransas I'm thinking how does a guy you know is gonna walk in and he's gonna plead guilty to something But then all of a sudden when he finds out his deal blows up in his face. He's not guilty. I don't know. But we gotta get to the bottom of this and this is not political and Republicans got to understand stop being afraid of the left and just do what's right. Where there is corruption it has to be eradicated has to be eliminated I don't care how high high up how high up it goes Try saying that three times how high up it goes. We're not supposed to tolerate that here in this constitutional Republic

We're not The old Soviet Union yet I know that there's a lot of leftists that want us to be that way and they want to create this little Politburo thing where the elitists are there at the top and they can do whatever they want and all of us Serfs down here just worked to serve them that ain't happening on my watch

So pay attention what's going to be coming out in a month when little mr. Hunter has to go back into that court in Delaware

But the real thing I want to talk about What happened while I was away? I? Mean how many times does Kamala Harris need to stick her foot in her mouth? Before she does not like the taste of her own toes

Because once again all of a sudden I guess she wanted to blow up this thing about one little sentence one little sentence in the African American black American black is whatever curriculum standards there in the state of Florida one little sentence and I read that sentence over and over and over the good thing is that I'm a black man that could read that sentence

There are a lot of young black boys and girls can't read

Yet we're wasting our time on this one little sentence instead of worrying about the fact that Even I think LeBron James your school that you sponsor. I mean you the kids there are not reading a grade level

So this whole thing about now of a sudden Ron DeSantis Support slavery and everyone's saying that there were benefits to slavery. I read that sentence over and over and over and over again

It ain't about benefits to slavery slavery suck, but what sucks even more is That the people who stood up for the institution of slavery are now trying to act like they have this righteous indignation

Over something that they fought to preserve

Democrats something that they did not support being abolished Democrats something that they continue to perpetuate the black codes Jim Crow

segregation poll taxes literacy tests Ku Klux Klan now all of a sudden they're gonna act like they're upset over one little sentence and they're gonna send out sister girl Kamala Harris

Who really has no black experience whatsoever? I mean, I'm saying this as a kid born and raised in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia and the old fourth Ward neighborhood Who's born a blacks only hospital? I don't think Kamala Harris has ever cooked a pot of hop and johns She's never dipped some cornbread in some potlicker maybe she never even drank a glass of buttermilk

Now you say no colonel and I why you want to bring all this stuff up Yeah, because that's part of a black experience, okay

But now all of a sudden she's walking around acting like she's the you know, the keeper of the Grail

of the black experience I Have never seen her come out and say anything about over the past 50 years over 20 million black babies being Murdered in the womb by dismemberment, but now all of a sudden she's sister girl number one as a matter of fact She continues to our you know support and advance the murdering of unborn babies in the womb that has had an adverse effect on the black community Oh By the way that thing called Planned Parenthood that supports her and that she supports It was founded by a white supremacist and a racist by the name of Margaret Sanger who spoke at Plan rallies referred to blacks as underzirables and human weeds

But she's all of a sudden upset about a sentence in the Florida curriculum for black history

See this is how the old colonel would have done this and dealt with this in the aftermath of Kamala coming out and speaking out about it. See the bottom line is that the Republicans Republican Party?

Party that was established in 1854 on one single issue that was to abolish slavery

And of course when the first Republican president was elected those Democrats those folks down thought they went ballistic They decide they were going to succeed

But the Republican Party and the 13th and 14th 15th amendments all the things that they did they took the tragedy of slavery and Turned into a triumph

For people who that had recently become freed

When you look at my ideological mentor Booker T Washington and the things that he wanted to do when you think about all of those Republicans and white philanthropists there were starting institutions of education like Hampton Institute and Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. What were they trying to do? They were trying to turn tragedy into triumph That's all that was happening

They were trying to show that in this brutal system that you have survived in this brutal system That we went to war for hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives for wounded

Now somehow we can turn this around

Into something good for you

By giving you an education

By enabling you to see that the things that you had to do and to toil under Somehow we can turn that into an ability for you to do as Booker T. Washington said education entrepreneurship and self-reliance

See once upon a time you had to work hard in these things But Now we can get you to understand how powerful you have because you know how to do things as Booker T Washington called it the ability to be able to do things with your hands to labor to show that you are Valued because of what you know and what you can do. That's what he talked about

That's why you had the Negro big business league that was established under his watch And the next thing you know people that were formerly slaves are out buying buildings in places like Harlem

That's why he talked about industrial education at Tuskegee Institute so that it wasn't about just going and getting a bunch of book learning it was about getting learning that enabled you to be successful in The economic society in which you live even if it was in the south. That's why they learn how to make bricks That's how they learn how to build buildings That's why it seems to sing all of these different type of things that they were forced to do by Democrats that they were forced to do under this Institution brutal institution of slavery now we can take these things we can provide you with an education We can make you better off so that you can have the education and entrepreneurship and the self-reliance But yet what do we have we have a bunch of chuckleheads out there running their mouths?

While the whole time we're forcing blacks into a new type of enslavement Which is economic enslavement and let me read you a quote from Booker T. Washington Which really does describe Kamala Harris and the rest of these you know cackling hens out there that we have there is another class of colored people

Who make a business of keeping the troubles the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public? Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles. They have grown into the settled habit of Advertising their wrongs partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances He or her

Not made up pronouns male female because they don't want to lose their jobs Because they don't want to lose their jobs I am afraid that there is a certain class of race problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well Because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means to make of living But also an easy medium through which they can make themselves prominent before the public. That's you Kamala Harris. I

Have not seen you go to any inner city and talk about the shootings that happened there a Couple weeks ago. They had 37 in Chicago

I've not seen you Kamala Harris go in there and talk about the fact that and it's not too far away I mean, you know, you can almost take a metro You can definitely take the the the mark train. I think it is up to Baltimore. You know, you know, you can fly a helicopter Have a you know convoy of SUVs You can go right up to Baltimore

Why have you never gone up there and talked about the fact that you have?

Black boys and girls not reading and doing math at grade level. Oh, that's right Dog gone at West you forgot

The Democrats say that math is racist

You agree with that Cami

But you're not speaking out about that You're not not speaking out about how the black family has been decimated because of the policies of your party Lyndon Johnson, Grace Society war on poverty What 24 25 percent of black kids have a mother and father in their home When have you ever talked about fatherlessness in the black community?

But no, you got to go down to Florida and you got to start reading off the teleprompter

Acting like you're upset over one little sentence

That one little sentence has nothing to do with us happening in the black community What's happening in the black community is exactly what you are

You don't want black people to lose their grievances because you don't want to lose your job You want to keep people riled up about something that is of no consequence

And you know, I'm just gonna be honest I'm not gonna get up in arms about it Because I see what is going on in the black community

Could have been phrased a little differently. Yeah But there's truth to it That Unfortunately, thanks to the Democrats the brutal institution of slavery did enable some blacks

To develop it blacksmithing and other things but

It was Republican Vision and philanthropy that first freed them they made them citizens that gave them the opportunity to vote and and to hold Political offices the very first members of the Congressional Black Caucus were all Republican seven gentlemen

The very first black Republican Member of Congress was Josiah T. Walls 1873 to 1876 he was a slave. Hey Kamala. Did you know that I? Was the second

Byron Donalds you're the third

And so

Instead of jumping on this leftist bandwagon and supporting them and their propaganda, you know, let's let's hit them let's go on the office and say that how ironic it is that they're up there screaming and yelling about an institution that they Established promoted and continue to advocate for They continue to want to keep people in a slave mentality in the black community. This whole thing about reparations What about an education?

Our inner cities are crumbling

For yet Kamala Harris is gonna run down there to Florida read a teleprompter

Stick her foot in a mile

And make herself out to be a fool

Which for her happens weekly if not daily

And you know, look I'm not criticizing her I'm you know, I don't have a law degree Maybe it's good that I don't

I don't have a law degree But I don't I don't get this unrighteous indignation

When you look at all the other things that are falling apart in the black community

That are really

the result of the policy the programs and the ideological agenda of the party of the jackass the Democrat Party I

Mean help me out. I mean, you know someone sent send a an email or a text message something, you know, a Facebook post Ex-post, I guess it's not 20 anymore

But tell me where I'm wrong. Tell me where the Democrat Party Has advanced the cause of the black community in the United States of America. I

Mean NAACP was not even founded by black people. It was for white

Intellectual elite progressive socialists Who handed it over to a black intellectual elite progressive socialists who ended up? Chowing down and you know drinking wine with Mao Tse tongue renounced his American citizenship became an avowed communist

That's why WV Du Bois that dude ain't my hero. He ain't my mentor

But the man who was a slave

Who once he became free wanted an education

That man's my mentor that man's my hero The man who said nor should we permit our grievances to overshadow our opportunities as Booker T. Washington And there's a reason why the left does not want to talk to him about him There's a reason why black intellectual elites always want to call him the Uncle Tom to sell out all these things

Instead of reading his speech that he gave in Atlanta my birth town

They would rather be a black intellectual elite They would rather say that it was an the Atlanta compromise speech

Yeah, yeah, I see but he was invited to the White House

He was the guy that had a president come and visit Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute

He was the man that went out recruited George Watson and Carver

He's the reason why we had the triple I mean the 332nd fighter squadron Tuskegee Airmen

My godfather William Sticky Jackson was a Tuskegee Airmen

Let's see we're not talking about that as far as history

We've got a bunch of loudmouth chuckleheads

To just talk about one little sentence

So what does the colonel stand on this

The colonel says that everyone out there ranting and raving about it

Y'all just stupid

almost stuck on stupid

When you see all of the other things that are facing the black community today

and you're getting upset over a sentence I Wish we were out there developing more black entrepreneurs Making sure that blacks were more self-reliant economically independent not economically dependent


There's another class of color people who make a business of keeping the troubles the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs partly because They want sympathy and partly because it pays some of these people do not want the Negro to lose their grievances Because they do not want to lose their jobs

Race hustling

This grievance industry pays good don't it Kamala

But that's not how we honor The history and the experience of being black in the United States of America

We should be talking about how we have strong families They can come together

Have a family vacation And take their children and their grandchildren to the Gulf of Mexico And let them put their feet in the ocean for the first time Instead of worrying about a sentence that many black kids cannot even read

Steadfast and loyal


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