Burning Down the House
We all remember that song by the Talking Heads, Burning Down the House. When I think of the outgoing Biden administration, that title comes to mind.
Here we are in America, still reeling from the New Year’s Day Islamic terrorist attack. We witnessed a pro-Islamic terrorist march on New Year’s Day in New York City, where they chanted for an intifada, yes, a violent uprising in America. That is not free speech, that, ladies and gents, is a call to violence, sedition, treason if you are an American citizen, and inflicting death and terror. what is the Biden-Harris administration’s response? Well, they want to shut down Guantanamo Bay and have released 11 Yemeni detainees with ties to Al Qaeda, two of whom were bodyguards for Osama Bin Laden . . . remember that guy? I suppose Biden does not want to be outdone by Barack Hussein Obama, who released five senior Taliban leaders from GITMO to Qatar. Those same five terrorists are now back in the leadership of the Taliban in Afghanistan, thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ imbecilic withdrawal.
Joe Biden further seeks to burn down the house by releasing another high-level terrorist back to the Taliban for three Americans being held by the said terrorist group. And here we thought that Biden-Harris did not leave anyone behind in Afghanistan.
You would think that with some two weeks left before hitting the door, Biden-Harris would not be taking actions to burn down the American house.