Constitutional Governance
If there is one call to action for conservatives, it is to admonish elected representatives at all levels to adhere to constitutional or city charter governance.
A week from now, we will have a new presidential administration. Let’s see how many of the incoming cabinet will be seated.
I do find it comical that Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer is crowing about holding the Trump administration accountable. Or the rantings of one delusional Sen. Adam Schiff of California that he will continue to focus on investigating Trump. Think of the abject idiocy of the California state legislature meeting and deciding to appropriate tens of millions of dollars to “Trump-proof” their state. It would seem obvious they should meet to figure out why the fire hydrants were producing no water and why their reservoirs were empty.
But, I digress.
All of this posturing by the progressive socialist leftists — who had their proverbial butts handed to them in the November 2024 election — has to be crushed. There is one simple way to do that, and that is to restore constitutional governance.
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution, our rule of law, articulates the (18) enumerated powers, duties, responsibilities, and purviews of the federal government. It is imperative that the Republican-led House and Senate tie everything that the federal government does to its enumerated powers and nothing else. It is time to force Democrats to admit what we all know publicly: Leftists despise our Constitution and routinely violate its fundamental premise.
Well said, Sir.
I will add one thing, there is one Ruler coming and it is His rule, as prophesied, that will not perish from this earth.
Revelation 11:15
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.