Dastardly Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
The progressive socialist leftists are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors against our Constitutional Republic. Their proposals and deeds are not just dastardly, they are destructive.
Perhaps you recognize the similarity of the title of this missive to a song by the rock group AC/DC, “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.” I chose this title based upon the delusional rant of one U.S. Representative Al Green, sadly, from the Lone Star State of Texas. It did not take long — just two weeks — for the deranged progressive socialists to start calling for the impeachment of the 47th President of these United States of America, Donald J. Trump.
However, when you watch the apoplectic meltdown of Rep. Green, along with others, Green invokes “dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds” as a basis for bringing forth articles of impeachment against President Trump. Hmm, I referred to the U.S. Constitution to ascertain where it lists “dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds” as an impeachable offense. Needless to say, my search came up empty. You would think that a member of Congress, which I once was, would be well versed in constitutional issues, especially since they supposedly take an oath to support and defend our rule of law.
Well, perhaps that oath does not apply to leftists aka the Party of the Jackass, the Democrats.
i like to juxtapose this article in which the colonel finds justification in our constitution for what Trump/Musk are currently doing, with another (not here) by John and Nisha Whitehead, "Sleepwalking into Tyranny: How Power is Silently Being Seized | Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely | A New Kind of Coup: Trump and Musk are Updating the Autocratic Playbook".
These are the dastardly deeds we were anticipating before and during the inauguration, the impeachment is a little late getting off the mark, though. They have more geriatric congressional members this time, and they don't have full control so takes a bit to get everything staged.