The Necessity of History
In this Black History Month, it is imperative for Republicans, especially those of us here in Texas, to learn the history of the relationship of our Party to the American Black community.
We are now in a month that is dedicated as Black History Month. It never ceases to amaze me just what Black history is being remembered. During that period of abject idiocy and insanity when leftists were tearing down memorials and monuments, there were some that were quite disconcerting. One would have to ask, why did leftists defame remembrances to the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln? After all, it was a Republican Party, established in 1854 in Ripon, Wisconsin, that had as its charter a single issue, to abolish slavery. It was Abraham Lincoln, with the advice of former slave and abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freeing slaves held in the southern states. Did I mention they were Democrats? It was Abraham Lincoln who pushed for and was successful in ending slavery with the passing of the 13th Amendment. Did I mention the Democrats opposed the 13th Amendment?
During the period of leftist assault upon American history, these chuckleheads even tore down the statue of Frederick Douglass in Rochester, New York. I guess they did not like that whole abolitionist thing, or perhaps because Douglass was a Republican.
I taught black history in 1960s thru a black church in Shreveport
I marched with Dr. King and I taught my children about history and taught them that how we learn from history and make sure we do not repeat it. My children attended an all black day care and we attended the all black church because they had to experience and see that while we all have different histories we are all the same people God put on this earth. I am proud to say that they grew up to carry that same message on and have been extremely active in grass roots efforts. I am a white single mother and my children are white. I ask God every day to help me understand why there are humans on this earth that destroy our history and think they are different because of color of skin. My rant for today.