Why the Second Amendment Matters
Why does the Second Amendment matter? History teaches us that armed people are citizens who can defend and protect life, liberty, and property. Disarmed people are subjects.
Let's not fool ourselves: it was just in 2021's Texas legislative session that constitutional carry passed in the Lone Star State. Constitutional carry means that a legal, law-abiding citizen who passes the ATF Form 4473 background check can constitutionally carry their firearm. Now, I, for one, advocate for weapons training and completing the concealed carry instruction which will allow one to be able to carry in a reciprocal state and to carry in certain public places. However, a citizen has the right to self-defense and does not require a "Mother, May I?" from the government.
Under that backdrop, tomorrow, Tuesday, March 11, I will join others at the Texas State Capitol for Gun Owner's Day. One of the concerns that I -- and many others -- have is that with the recent idiocy of the Texas State House mandating co-chairmanships to leftists, we could see a purposeful sabotaging of gun rights legislation in Texas.
Why does the Second Amendment matter? History teaches us a very simple lesson, armed people are citizens who can defend and protect life, liberty, and property. Disarmed people are subjects. Every totalitarian regime, dictator, autocrat, and despot has first disarmed the people in order to subjugate them, and it is no different with these postmodern progressive socialist Marxists, who, even here in Texas, seek the same.