A Lesson on Why Washington Does Not Function
Democrat members of Congress are angered because the gig is up. Not only is the lack of constitutional adherence being exposed, but lack of proper constitutional checks & balances is being uncovered.
Democrat members of Congress are angered because the gig is up. Not only is the lack of constitutional adherence being exposed, but their lack of proper constitutional checks and balances is being uncovered.
Why does Washington, DC, not function? It’s simple: too many do not read the Constitution and believe that the federal government is an instrument of implementing ideological tyranny. That is the progressive socialist side. The Republicans, well, there are big government Republicans as well. George W. Bush’s “compassionate conservatism” was a dog whistle for big government GOP establishment spending. The federal government is not a jobs program; it should be aligned with Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which lays out the duties, roles, responsibilities, and purviews of the federal government, ergo, its spending and structure.
As for the whining of federal government employees upon losing jobs, well, there weren’t many tears for private sector small business owners who watched their lives and livelihoods be destroyed by the government. No one was tearing up when 8,000 troops were sent home for not taking the unconstitutional, illegal, immoral, and unlawful jab, which did more harm to troops than good.
Thank you, Sir, for your continued service by keeping "We The People" informed of the inner workings of the Hydra aka the federal government.