There are several core problems this election cycle:

- Many won't vote.

- The election will be manuliped - votes will be stolen.

- Way to many Americans will only vote for the party that pays them in benifets.

- Way to many American Citizens have no clue about Civics.

I have no doubt that everyone reading this can easily pass the Citizenship Civics Practice Test.

You follow Allen West because you are exceptional American Citizens that care about OUR Country.

Try taking the below Civics Test over and over again. Each time new questions are generated from the test bank.

Have your friends & kids take it.

My bet is the farther left-of-center people are the worse the test results.



Below is the Civics Test Bank.


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Donā€™t forget Susan Rice!

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GET OUT and VOTE Y'ALL ā€¼ļø

Steadfast and Loyal šŸ‘

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