Does anyone find it curious that when anyone defends Israel's right to defend herself people become unhinged? People defend the right of the Palestinians who were given that name by Britain, there were no Palestinian people in that land, but Philistines. God promised the land to Abraham and his descendants and God changed the name of Jacob to Israel. It would seem that a majority of the world has a problem with God sovereignty and His Word. If you have a reason why the Philistines should have the land now, you must deal with God on that matter since it was His land to give to whomever He chose.

The Jewish people are not perfect and God has not spared them from punishment, but God has made a covenant with his people, and God is not a man that He should lie. For God is faithful to keep His word to all those that have faith and worship Him alone.

I put my trust in the Creator of all things to fulfill His word and restore His people Israel, and He will not need the help of any nation or people to accomplish that task.

We were once a nation that believed in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, how far we have fallen when the very word of God is being trampled under foot.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; that they shall prosper that love thee. Psalm 122:6

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Condemning Hamas is only half the problem the rest is Israel itself (the government). Sweep that up and everything will be okay. Until then yo8u'll have more corruption than Hillary can possibly create.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Allen West

Great article, Allen. I always learn something from you.

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Thank you LTC West. Finally the truth. I will also add. God gave this land to Israel. And no one will eradicate the Jews completely. They are Gods chosen people. And He will watch over them. I think this is a call to renew faith in Israel. To return to their true and living God. Not the false Allah or the dead Mohammed. But the true and living God of the Bible. No matter how the devil tries to deceive people. Jesus Christ is Lord. And the day will come when all Israel will seek Him. And call on His name. Blindness in part is come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. Then all Israel will be saved. Praise God. Please return Lord Jesus

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You're picking and choosing your historical data points. If you're going as far back as Judea, why not go further back? Like before Abraham traveled from Ur. When he arrived at his destination, there were folks already there. Besides, I don't see you returning your house to Native Americans. Also, plenty of European maps from the early 1910s and 1920s label the region as Palestine. Finally, does the absence of an official country negate any individual property rights? Conservatives are supposed to be all about individual property rights...except for forcibly displaced Palestinians, right? Don't get me wrong, if Trump had been in office neither this invasion nor Ukraine would have happened. The blood of all these victims is on Democrat hands. Nevertheless, I'll be unsubscribing now, so no worries. In the meantime, reconsider your role here. No country should enjoy a "special relationship" with the US. Either you're an American, or an Israeli. You can't be both.

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If you are talking about forcibly displaced persons, have you considered who was displaced by the Romans from that land, or by the Ottomans, or by the British Empire ? If you want to know who expelled the Philistines you can ask God. After all it was His land to give to whomever. He chose. No matter what man or the UN says, God has the final word.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Allen West

Well, with grandpa Joe, giving Iran $6 billion dollars, Hamas has plenty of money now to carry out their dirty deeds. You know that grandpa Joe is not calling the shots, but rather the great Obama, so he can help his people, and it ain’t the American people I’m speaking of

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